FOCUS ON INNOVATION To initiate efforts towards attaining quality entertainment for smart devices, our scheduled time away from current game production to explore new... +MOREPURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE Our core values are driven by a desire to improve gaming, achieve excellence. Our process is agile, open and inclusive - every... +MORE

Founded in 2015, Chu-Kot Game Studios is an independent mobile platform game developer located in the city of Chengdu, China. With the primary goal of creating bright and fascinating games of different styles and genres, we develop technology and games for iOS, Android and Windows phone.? We are a group of innovative minds with a team of experienced, passionate game-makers to create new experiences for gamers throughout their time playing through our games. As a small, independent team - we hold our game standards to a gargantuan scale.
We received our very first round of capital funding to begin development of our first original title called “”Attacked fur ball”, a causal game targeting mobile platform. You can find our current projects by clicking on the 'Games' tab above.
Here at Chu-Kot Game Studios, it's always in our best interest to listen to community and player feedback to improve our future releases so if you have some input on what you think we can/could improve, or just something you enjoyed about one of our projects, then feel free to send us a message using the Contact us tab above.